Ai Weiwei till Amsterdam Light Festival - Ljuskultur
5 052 bilder, fotografier och illustrationer med Ai Weiwei
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis Bild: Hollow sphere by artist Ai Weiwei at Indianapolis Museum of Art - Kolla in Tripadvisor-medlemmarnas 17 577 Med dokumentärfilmen ”Human flow” ger sig Ai Weiwei in i diskussionen om flyktingkrisen. Konstnären möter flyende människor på mycket nära håll. Kultur. Konstnären Ai Weiwei tar sig an Puccini-opera.
View Ai Weiwei’s 664 artworks on artnet. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. See available sculpture, prints and multiples, and photographs for sale and learn about the artist. Ai Weiwei and Tim Marlow in conversation: Part 2. Ai Weiwei’s monumental work Straight is the heaviest sculpture ever shown at the Royal Academy. The work is made from straightened steel reinforcing bars, salvaged from the ruins of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. A cultural figure of international renown, Ai Weiwei is an activist, architect, curator, filmmaker, and China’s most famous artist.
Ai Weiwei flyttade Magasin 3:s intendent Tessa Praun mötte Ai Weiwei hösten 2010 i Peking för att tillsammans påbörja arbetet med utställningen som är den första 18 feb. 2019 — Ai Weiwei is an outspoken critic of China's government and spent four years under house arrest in China until he was finally allowed to leave the country in July 2015. He then moved to Berlin.
Ai Weiwei Facebook
27.1.2016 - 21.22. Ladda fler artiklar om. Andra läser Ai Weiwei (f.
Ai Weiwei: Yours Truly • Se lägsta priset 5 butiker hos
Hon klippte en video han gjort – en video om mord.
Open in his criticism of the Chinese government, Ai was famously detained for months in 2011, then released to house arrest. “I don’t see myself as a dissident artist,” he says. Ai Weiwei was born in Beijing, China in 1957.
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Ai Weiwei [ajwejwej], född 1957, kinesisk konstnär och arkitekt, son till Ai Qing. Ai Weiwei började 1978 på Beijings filmhögskola och var 1979 med Få en 2-timmars guidad rundtur i Italiens första Ai Weiwei-retrospektiv. Utforska Ai Weiwies arbete och få en förståelse av hans personliga berättelse; din guide Konstrecension: Mellan skämt och allvar. 21.5.2016 - 08.04. Ai Weiwei · Ai Weiwei drar tillbaka konstverk.
Ai Weiwei föddes i Peking 1957. Sina första arton år tvingades han tillsammans med sin familj att leva i exil på den kinesiska landsbygden i utkanten av Gobiöknen, då Ai Weiweis far Ai Qing var en starkt regimkritisk politisk aktivist, poet och författare och förföljd av det kommunistiska partiet. Ai Weiwei is one of the best known artists working today. His provocative blend of Chinese history and tradition within a wholly contemporary practice serves as a form of human rights activism, cultural commentary, and critique of the global imbalance of power—a fact that has turned Ai into a political target.
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“Good Fences Make Good Neighbors”: Ai Weiwei on His NYC
Ai Weiwei: Chinese conceptual artist Ai Weiwei (b. 1957) explores the multitude and complexity of the challenges within our contemporary society. Known for observing and Ai Weiwei was born in 1957 in Beijing. Shortly afterward, his father, the poet Ai Qing, was sent to a labor camp as an enemy of the revolution; the family lived in Ai Weiwei, born in 1957 in Beijing, is often referred to as China's most famous artist. Sculptor, performer, photographer, architect, curator and blogger, he is known Ai Weiwei has spent nearly four decades exploring the relationships between art, society, and individual experience. His work, as prolific as it is eclectic, 28 May 2020 Ai Weiwei, the famed Chinese artist and activist, is a creative thorn in the side of Chinese authorities.