| feat. Ragnar Lothbrok Words: 1033 Warnings: mentions of rape, mentions of violence You frowned when you awoke. There were no wooden bars above your head, no thin blanket wrapped around your chilling body. You were standing at the riverbank, your bare feet Once again you're wrong. I am a happily white, married woman to a white man. My bloodline will remain purse.
ivar the boneless ivar x reader ivar's heathen army ubbe ragnarsson ubbe's wolfpack ubbe ragnarsson x reader hvitserk ragnarsson hvitserk ragnarsson x reader hvitserk's heathen feast sigurd snake in the eye sigurd ragnarsson sigurd in the eye x reader bjorn ironside bjorn ironside x reader ragnarssons' reactions mari writes Pairing: Oleg x You (reader) Genre: Angst. Wordcount: 1,010. Warning: Violence, betrayal, threats, intimidation, crazy Oleg being crazy I guess. Author’s Note: I hope I tagged all the warnings right I don’t think I’ve written anything before that needed warnings. Your mother bellowed, looking up at the Ragnarssons as they lazed about outside the main hall. Ivar could hear Sigurd snickering next to him as the angry woman glared at him.
Bring a friend and head along to Alma's Park for our Halloween Screening of The Ring. Do not worry, we will Card reading by wilder + wiser @wilderandwiser. Norvik Press is a publishing house specialising in Scandinavian literature, based in the UCL School of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS).
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After being spirited away in the dead of night by loyal guardians, Reader travels to Kattegat where she is finally told the truth of her heritage. Ragnarssons headcannon. The boys definitely share their father’s desire to have children and have a breeding kink. While they’re normally handsy, their hands will rarely leave you once they find out you’re with child.
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Community. Support. Mods. Mods; Games; Images; Videos; Users. search. Jan 2, 2021 While another viewer of the series cites his “patience.” “In this, he is unlike the rest of them, who seek immediate gratification,” they pointed out.
Mods. Mods; Games; Images; Videos; Users. search. Jan 2, 2021 While another viewer of the series cites his “patience.” “In this, he is unlike the rest of them, who seek immediate gratification,” they pointed out. Tag: ivar ragnarsson x reader. -baby boi just needs some cuddles okay?!? -after a big day he just needs cuddles.
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