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Svemins Höstmöte 2020 går live från gruvan - nordiskaprojekt

Now Svemin, as the first industry organization, is launching a roadmap for how to do it. – Biological diversity is a pre-requisite both for us as humans and for our mining operations, says Linda Bjurholt, environmental manager at LKAB. Why Svemin initiated the TraceMet pilot project. TraceMet is a traceability system for metals. The system uses blockchain technology. The pilot project was finished in January 2021 and follows two value chains, steel and copper, from the mine to the end product (truck and electric cables, respectively). Svemin, Swedish Association of Mines, Mineral and Metal Producers IKEM, Innovation and Chemical Industries in Sweden The purpose of MITF is to spread objective information on metals and their impact on the environment.

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2021-01-21. On Thursday, another step was taken to make it easier for the hard-hit exploration industry – Very long-awaited, it is important that the extension of the exploration permit comes into place quickly, says Maria Sunér, CEO Svemin. Read more. Expert committee under the UN criticizes Sweden. Svemin – an overview Svemin is an industry association of mines, mineral and metal producers. Joining Svemin is suitable for companies with operations in Sweden within exploration, mining and related activities as suppliers of technology. About 40 companies are members of Svemin.

Martin Phillips, CEO – Europe, Talga. Helene Hellmark Knutsson.

Svemins Höstmöte 2020: LIVE från gruvan Svemin

Svemin: Regeringen motarbetar klimatsmart gruvnäring. Nyheter 19 januari 2021 Text: Mikael Svensson Foto: Mats Hillblom/Boliden, Svemin  följ länken för att se föredraget på vår YouTube-kanal.

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Fakta om svensk gruvnäring - Svemin; Se Kungafamiljen sommarspecial del II - YouTube Hur tjänar sverige pengar  inom industrin: Livsmedelsföretagen, Grafiska Företagens Förbund, Gröna arbetsgivare, Industriarbetsgivarna, IKEM, Jernkontoret, Skogsindustrierna, Svemin  av H Elfström Berg · 2020 — branchorganisationen för gruvor, mineral- och metallproducenter (SveMin) står (Hämtad 2019-12-15). Per har suttit i styrelsen för bland annat Nordic Iron Ore AB, Norrliden Mining AB samt för den svenska gruvindustrins branschorganisation Svemin och dess  13 feb. 2017 — I den efterföljande paneldebatten medverkar Per Ahl, SveMin, Charlotte Andersson, SIP STRIM (Det strategiska innovationsprogrammet för  Gruvornas arbetsgivarförbund Svemin. Gruvindustrin Följ oss: Facebook · Instagram · Instagram student · LinkedIn · Youtube · Twitter. Hjälp: Om oss · Kontakta  Gruvbolag, Svemin Gruvbolagen och SveMin: problem i samverkans genomförande​

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Joining Svemin is suitable for companies with operations in Sweden within exploration, mining and related activities as suppliers of technology. About 40 companies are members of Svemin. Number of employees in the companies are about 13.000.
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Följ sändningen via Svemins YouTube-kanal, se länk nedan. Svemin – the Swedish Association of Mines, Mineral and Metal Producers Svemin represents around 50 companies with more than 13,000 employees in mining, exploration and technology. Svemin’s mission is to provide the member companies with the best possible competitive conditions.