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By @Forbes (Nov 2019) 5 hot Finnish fintech startups you need to know about: @Invesdor @IroFitHQ @MONI_ltd @TappCommerce @zervant. Gaming. Meet the next Finnish Game Changers The 16 hottest Nordic fintech startups. Oscar Williams-Grut. 2016-07-18T13:39:34Z The letter F. An envelope. It founders of Swedish personal finance app Tink.

2021-04-19 · Payer is Swedish fintech startup that is pioneering digital B2B payments for large corporate customers on a pan-European and global basis. Payer simplifies payments between companies. Payer’s modular API payments platform for B2B e-commerce helps companies to create amazing payment experiences online, which creates sustainable relationships, increases their sales and greatly reduces costs.

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It includes personal loans up to €28,000 for various purposes, account credits, P2P checkout payment services and debit card services. Swedish fintech startup Open Payments is first in the Nordic region to offer a genuine PSD2 aggregated platform that on behalf of third-party providers, and with the end customer’s consent, initiates account-to-account payments and retrieves account information and transaction history, all via one single API. Until recently, the country was best known by many as the originator of furniture giant Ikea or global clothing sensation H&M. Those who are more plugged-in to the world’s competitive startup scene know better, and recall that Spotify, Skype, and dozens of other tech mainstays began in Sweden. (READ MORE: Top Swedish Startups to Follow in 2021) Swedish fintech startup Tink raises €56M, aims to become pan-European open banking platform.

Swedish fintech startups

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Swedish fintech startups

Based on the three-year average from 2017-2019, Stockholm ranks third after London and Berlin in Europe. For the first two quarters in 2020, FinTech investments have focused on large and later-stage deals. In a recent survey conducted by the Swedish FinTech Association, 2012-7-23 Swedish investor NFT Ventures has partnered with Finnish media corporation MTV to launch a new fintech fund in Finland. The fund will invest in technology startups that target the banking sector 2021-4-19 · Returpack is the company that facilitates over 2 Billion deposits of recyclable PET bottles and cans in Sweden through a network of reverse vending machines.

Swedish fintech startups

Zaver, a Swedish fintech that enables merchants to accept cardless payments and offer buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) as an option, has raised $5 million in new funding. The company, which began life Swedish buy now pay later (BNPL) fintech Klarna is now Europe’s most valuable fintech – the 4th most valuable globally – following a US$650 million equity raise that values the business at US$10.65 billion (AU$14.54bn). The latest valuation nearly doubles the US$5.5 billion valuation following a US$460 million raise in August 2019.
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Swedish fintech startups

13 mars Smartster (e-commerce) Mina Tjänster (fintech) Klas has been a board member of Ikano Banken, East Capital, The Swedish largest fintech companies handling 20-30 % of the Danish banking customers  innovation och den Mastercard och NFT Ventures har offentliggjort de 15 fintech-startups Möte: Swedish FinTech Association årsmöte 2020.

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SweFinTech LinkedIn

Swedish banks have set up accelerators and VC  We gather the Swedish FinTech community to create impact. Lena Apler is our chairwomen and we are a non-profit association. Fintech Startups challenge “Big Banks” in Sweden. Den här veckan gästbloggar Ana Paula Picasso hos oss.