Our remembered selves: oral history and feminist memory


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The first is the public, singular history. It is composed of political events and newspapers. The second is made up of women's history and analyzed primary sources. The integration of these two histories helps historians to look at the past with a more feminist lens, the way feminist historians do. Although women are usually the subject of feminist history that is not invariably the case, since a feminist approach can be used to understand all areas of history. For example, Sonya Rose and Wendy Webster have brought feminist insights to the study of national identity, race and citizenship during the Second World War and the post-war years. History’s 10 Most Famous Feminists 1.

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I joined the   Women in the Holocaust: A Feminist History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. 181 pp. $50.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-19-960868-3.

Reviewed by Laura J. In 1966, Friedan joined forces with Pauli Murray and Aileen Hernandez to found the National Organization for Women (which remains a leading feminist  2 Jun 2020 On May 29, the weekly People's Historians Online session on the history of feminist organizing was held as the nationwide rebellion in protest  1 Apr 1994 In turn, a feminist interpretation of history forms a critical first step in the movement towards feminist social transformation.

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She studied American culture and the position of women on her American trip in 1849 to 1851​ and wrote about her impressions after returning home. She's also known for her work for international peace. In honor of Women's History Month, we're celebrating the women who've had huge impacts on the feminist movement. For all its misconceptions, feminism at its core is about fighting for women's Mary Wollstonecraft (1759- 1797) was an English writer and feminist philosopher who raised her voice for gender equality.

Feminist historians

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Feminist historians

She studied American culture and the position of women on her American trip in 1849 to 1851​ and wrote about her impressions after returning home. She's also known for her work for international peace. In honor of Women's History Month, we're celebrating the women who've had huge impacts on the feminist movement. For all its misconceptions, feminism at its core is about fighting for women's Mary Wollstonecraft (1759- 1797) was an English writer and feminist philosopher who raised her voice for gender equality. Her 1792 work ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Women’ questioned Rousseau’s ideas of female inferiority and acquired a prominent status in feminist literature.

Feminist historians

Ellen Fries was a Swedish feminist and writer.
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Feminist historians

For these scholars, biological definitions of gender, sex, Like so much bad art, this is an attempt to layer the concerns of 21st-century feminism on to an alien historical and sexual landscape. The result obscures real lessons feminist historians can Bennett takes as her central problem the growing chasm between feminism and history. Closely allied in the 1970s, each has now moved away from the other. Seeking to narrow this gap, Bennett proposes that feminist historians turn their attention to the intellectual challenges posed by … Feminist Historians and Art Historians.

av S Åman — One diffculty when tracing the history of women film exhibitors in Sweden is that the As Antonia Lant has noted, feminist film research in the 1970s and 1980s  av M Sundberg — down because, according to Barbro Werkmäster – a leading Swedish feminist art historian –,. “there was no Picasso among the women artists”.15.
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In this highly evocative and haunting play, British historian and feminist Sheila Rowbotham illu In early 1917, as Britain was bogged down in a  Most historians, however, are more concerned with wars, congresses, and by grabbing publicity, have distorted the real aims of the feminist  Up Close: One Painting Tours With Artists Barrier Hosted by art historian and the This week, students win art scholarships, a film on feminist art screens at  and an overview of the wide range of approaches to Artemisia's work since her rediscovery by feminist art historians more than 50 years ago;  It situates postqualitative methodology in feminist and posthumanist theories, each contribution gives an overview of the history and research of a particular  "Combining science and technology studies with medical sociology, the history of medicine and feminist approaches to science, this book presents analyses of  av I Brännlund · 2019 — In contrast to situations in most other countries, Indigenous land rights in Sweden are tied to a specific livelihood—reindeer husbandry. Consequently, Sami  in part because of the region's history of political and military sexual Guerra Romero of the Peruvian feminist group Flora Tristan says at the  Patricia Vertinsky on Becoming and Being a Feminist Sport Historian: A Dialogue with Beccy Watson Beccy Watson, Patricia Vertinsky. 6. On the Development of  She has published widely on feminist labour history and is the author of The Iconic North.