Valutakurser Nordea


Valutor - aktuella valutakurser och valutaomvandlare

The interactive form of the currency calculator ensures navigation in the actual quotations of world currencies according to “Open Exchange Rates” and displays the information in a graph. Förhållandet mellan SEK och EUR är just nu (18-04-06 ~12.00) c:a 10.3000. så svag mot euron har kronan inte varit sedan 08-11 fram till 10-01 (det var visst någon kris då om jag inte minns fel), dessförinnan låg kronan ganska stabilt mellan c:a 9.0 och 9.5. vilket har kunnat betraktas som det ”normala” läget. 10.28412 SEK: EUR SEK rate for 11/5/2020: 11/4/2020: Wednesday: 10.30126 SEK: EUR SEK rate for 11/4/2020: 11/3/2020: Tuesday: 10.34991 SEK: EUR SEK rate for 11/3/2020: 11/2/2020: Monday: 10.36730 SEK: EUR SEK rate for 11/2/2020: 10/30/2020: Friday: 10.36600 SEK: EUR SEK rate for 10/30/2020: 10/29/2020: Thursday: 10.41880 SEK: EUR SEK rate for 10/29/2020: 10/28/2020: Wednesday: 10.39625 SEK 2020-08-18 · Find the latest EUR/SEK (EURSEK=X) currency exchange rate, plus historical data, charts, relevant news and more 13752 EUR = 139282.71349 SEK. 13752 Swedish Krona To Euro . Exchange Rates Updated: Apr 23,2021 08:01 UTC. Full history please visit EUR/SEK History 2 dagar sedan · Monthly AverageConverterEuro per 1 Swedish Krona Monthly average. averageYear 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011.

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JPY/SEK. 0.0778. -0.0001. NOK/SEK.

Also you can see Swedish Krona to Euro and Euro to Swedish Krona prepared conversions.

EUR SEK diagram – Euro till Svensk krona kurs — TradingView

Historical Exchange Rates For Swedish Krona to Euro 0.0973 0.0978 0.0983 0.0988 0.0993 0.0998 Dec 24 Jan 08 Jan 23 Feb 07 Feb 22 Mar 09 Mar 24 Apr 08 120-day exchange rate history for SEK to EUR Quick Conversions from Swedish Krona to Euro : 1 SEK = 0.09866 EUR Exchange Rate Swedish Krona to EuroConverter. 1.00 SEK = 0.098954 EUR. Apr 16, 2021 12:41 UTC. View SEK Rates Table. View EUR Rates Table.

Sek eur rate

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Sek eur rate

Tjeckien CZK, 0,3915. View live OMX STOCKHOLM PI chart to track latest price changes. PI and the currencies USD/SEK, GBP/SEK and EUR/SEK are estimated with the Historical  Bitcoin betecknas med tickern BTC USD/SEK 8,36 -0,32 öre EUR/SEK 10,1 0 Mynt exchange rate blockchain markets Insider Historik to USD  The symbol for SEK can be written kr, Sk, and Skr. Euro jakautuu 100 cents.

Sek eur rate

We also list the countries where EUR is primarily used currency. If you are looking for foreign exchange rates with good return, EUR to SEK can be a bad, high-risk 1-year investment option. EUR/SEK rate equal to 10.142 at 2021-04-23, but your current investment may be devalued in the future. For any other purpose which may qualify Nasdaq Swedish Foreign Exchange Fixing Rates as a benchmark in accordance with regulation (EU) 2016/1011 of the European Parliament and of the European Council on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts. 10.13269 sek = 1 eur: 2 sek = 0.19738 eur: 20.26538 sek = 2 eur: 5 sek = 0.49345 eur: 50.66346 sek = 5 eur: 10 sek = 0.9869 eur: 101.32691 sek = 10 eur: 15 sek = 1.48036 eur: 151.99037 sek = 15 eur: 20 sek = 1.97381 eur: 202.65383 sek = 20 eur: 25 sek = 2.46726 eur: 253.31728 sek = 25 eur: 50 sek = 4.93452 eur: 506.63457 sek = 50 eur 2021-04-16 · Historical exchange rate from Swedish Kronor (SEK) to Euros (EUR) for April 16, 2021 SEK to EUR exchange rate is published here and is very accurate, updating 24/7 with live exchange rates. Conversion of 1 sek to eur displayed in three ways: 1 sek to eur exchange rate, sek to eur converter and sek to eur live and history chart. Also you can see Swedish Krona to Euro and Euro to Swedish Krona prepared conversions.
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Sek eur rate

Use this SEK to EUR converter (kr to €) to get today's exchange rate, in real time from Swedish currency to European currency or to any other world's currency, even offline.

EUR/SEK rate equal to 10.142 at 2021-04-23, but your current investment may be devalued in the future.
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Omräkningskurser för euro per redovisningsperiod Skatteverket

23 April 2021. EUR 1 = SEK 10.1405 0.0168(0.2%) Reference rates over last four months - Swedish krona (SEK).