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Robur technology fond -

Our vision is to be world leader in sustainable value creation. Sustainability is an integral part in our everyday work and a part of the investment philosophy in all our funds. Franklin U.S. Opportunities Fund LU0109391861 USD 2001 27.60 USD -0.04 USD ( -0.14% ); Russell 3000 Growth Index 20.20 % 0.98 Franklin Technology Fund LU0260870158 EUR 2000 34.6200 EUR -0.0900 EUR ( -0.26% ); MSCI World Information Technology Index 20.55 % 1.51 Sida 3 Fondförteckning FondOrder 2021-02-23 Swedbank Robur Asienfond Swedbank Robur Bas 75 Swedbank Robur Bas Mix Swedbank Robur Dynamic Swedbank Robur Europafonden Swedbank Robur European Equity Fund limitöverträdelser har identifierats för fonderna Swedbank Robur Transition Sweden, Swedbank Robur Transition Sweden MEGA samt Swedbank Humanfond under perioden. Signatur: Ida Gustavsson, Head of Risk Datum: 2021-03-22 Katso Swedbank Robur Technology A-rahaston perustiedot suorana.

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The sector includes companies active in software, computers, communications equipment, semiconductors, and IT services. As the sector is dominated by US companies, the majority of the fund's assets are normally invested in the United States. Swedbank Robur Investment Funds. Fund name Currency Date NAV Short term returns; 1 day Franklin Technology Fund A (acc) EUR: 30.03.2021: 32.87 +0.24%-2.72% +3.49% Swedbank Robur Technology A + Add to watchlist. white papers and other documents displayed on this page are paid promotional materials provided by the fund Swedbank Robur Global High Dividend: EUR: 2021 04 09: 10.5712 +0.16% +5.52%---Pirkti; Parduoti; Periodinis investavimas; Swedbank Robur Technology: EUR: 2021 04 09: 10.2739-0.23% +9.08%---Pirkti; Parduoti; Periodinis investavimas; Swedbank Robur Medica: EUR: 2021 04 09: 9.8930 +0.05% +0.33%---Pirkti; Parduoti; Periodinis investavimas; Swedbank Robur Fastighet (Real Estate) EUR: 2021 04 09: 10.6056 Swedbank Robur investment funds. Fund name Currency Date NAV Short term returns; 1 day 1 month 3 months Swedbank Robur Technology: EUR: 19.02.2021: 10.2344 +0.12% Våra fonder förvaltas av vårt dotterbolag Swedbank Robur men vi förmedlar även fonder från andra fondförvaltare. Ta del av alla fonder och kurser i Fondlistan!

Technology är en aktivt förvaltad aktiefond som huvudsakligen placerar globalt i stora och medelstora bolag inom informationsteknologisektorn. I sektorn ingår till exempel bolag verksamma inom mjukvara, datortillverkning, kommunikationsutrustning, halvledare och IT-tjänster. Eftersom sektorn domineras av amerikanska bolag är merparten av fondens All information om Swedbank Robur Technology A: Innehav, utveckling, risk och betyg.

Robur technology fond -

Earlier this week, Swedbank Robur Ny Teknik won the Industry Fund of the Year as well as Fund of the Year, and Swedbank Robur Global Fund the category Global Fund of the Year.. Swedbank Robur wins the award as Fund Company of the Year with the following motivation from 2021-3-4 · Swedbank Robur Medica - Medica invests globally in equities of companies active in the healthcare industy, such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical technology … 2021-2-3 · Swedbank Robur in top when Bloomberg lists Western Europe's best equity funds Wed, Aug 22, 2018 08:00 CET. Swedbank Robur New Technology (Swedbank Robur Ny Teknik) and Swedbank Robur Small Cap Fund Sweden (Swedbank Robur Småbolagsfond Sverige), both receive top positions in Bloomberg's compilation of this year's 10 best equity funds in Western Europe. 2018-6-1 · Stockholm (NordSIP) – Swedbank Robur launches Global Impact, an equity fund focused on companies that contribute to meeting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Global Impact invests in companies from all over the world, including emerging markets, whose operations help solve global challenges.

Swedbank robur technology fund

Best Olavi Podcasts 2021 - Player FM

Swedbank robur technology fund

Please contact the bank in question and ask if the fund is available in their range or contact us so that we can guide you.

Swedbank robur technology fund

We offer over 80 funds so the combination possibilities are almost endless. See our funds and courses and check out our fund list. 2021-4-5 · Swedbank Robur is a wholly owned subsidiary to Swedbank and active in Swedbank´s four home markets. Swedbank Robur was founded in 1967 and offers more than 80 mutual funds, institutional and discretionary asset management and management of pension funds.
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Swedbank robur technology fund

The fund focuses on profitable companies with strong growth, good company management and strong balance sheets. The portfolio consists of approximately 65 companies, of which consumption, technology, industry and healthcare are the largest has appointed Swedbank Robur to the Fund Company of the year 2020. Earlier this week, Swedbank Robur Ny Teknik won the Industry Fund of the Year as well as Fund of the Year, and Swedbank Robur Global Fund the category Global Fund of the Year..

white papers and other documents displayed on this page are paid promotional materials provided by the fund Swedbank Robur Global High Dividend: EUR: 2021 04 09: 10.5712 +0.16% +5.52%---Pirkti; Parduoti; Periodinis investavimas; Swedbank Robur Technology: EUR: 2021 04 09: 10.2739-0.23% +9.08%---Pirkti; Parduoti; Periodinis investavimas; Swedbank Robur Medica: EUR: 2021 04 09: 9.8930 +0.05% +0.33%---Pirkti; Parduoti; Periodinis investavimas; Swedbank Robur Fastighet (Real Estate) EUR: 2021 04 09: 10.6056 Swedbank Robur investment funds. Fund name Currency Date NAV Short term returns; 1 day 1 month 3 months Swedbank Robur Technology: EUR: 19.02.2021: 10.2344 +0.12% Våra fonder förvaltas av vårt dotterbolag Swedbank Robur men vi förmedlar även fonder från andra fondförvaltare. Ta del av alla fonder och kurser i Fondlistan! Swedbank Robur is a wholly owned subsidiary to Swedbank and active in Swedbank´s four home markets.
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7. SEB Teknologifond, 24​%  3 apr. 2021 — SEB Teknologifond - Morningstar® Integrated Web Tools Swedbank Robur Technology Avanza - Hostal Pañart Bielsa Technology robur Bästa  Displaying 1-25 of 76 results for: "Swedbank Robur" in Funds Swedbank Robur Technology · Kristofer Barrett · Swedbank Robur Småbolagsfond Global. Fond: Swedbank Robur Technology A Technology är en aktivt förvaltad aktiefond som huvudsakligen placerar globalt i stora och medelstora bolag inom​  Vilken typ av bolag som ingår varierar från fond till fond. Swedbank Robur Technology - Ny fond i portföljen — Swedbank Robur Technology Avanza Robur Japanfond A Fidelity Franklin  30 mars 2021 — Hoppa till Robur technology avanza. Swedbank Robur Technology — Robur technology avanza Avanza Emerging Markets Avanza Den  Podielový fond franklin technology fund a(acc) eur. Swedbank — Podielový fond franklin technology fund a(acc) eur.