Härjedalen province, Sweden Britannica


Britannica tar halvhjärtad? fajt med Wikipedia Blogg

The idea of building a complete compendium of human knowledge has existed for centuries, and there was always talk of finding some Encyclopedia Britannica Online When it comes to trusted and unbiased facts, this site is your best option. Here, every volume of the Encyclopedia Brittanica has been transferred to Web format, in addition to multimedia features and an easy search tool. Updates to the site's entries are made by professionals, as this isn't a wiki community. Wikipedia is owned by an American organization, the Wikimedia Foundation, which is in San Francisco, California.

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Following its second nomination and lengthy discussion, Encyclopædia Britannica was promoted to featured article on 12 April 2007.Promotion to featured article status signifies that the article is "considered to be one of the best articles in Wikipedia, as determined by Wikipedia's editors." Iso-Britannia (engl. Great Britain) on Atlantin valtameressä Euroopan mantereesta luoteeseen sijaitseva saari. Saari on suurin Britteinsaarista ja muodostaa suurimman osan Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan pinta-alasta.Se on Euroopan suurin saari ja koko maailmassakin yhdeksänneksi suurin. Väestöä siellä on maailman saarista kolmanneksi eniten, Jaavan ja Honshun jälkeen. Britannia may refer to any one of a large number of ships: .

Iso-Britannia (engl. Great Britain) on Atlantin valtameressä Euroopan mantereesta luoteeseen sijaitseva saari. Saari on suurin Britteinsaarista ja muodostaa suurimman osan Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan pinta-alasta.

Wikipedia 20 år Åbo Underrättelser

2013-02-18 HMHS Britannic (/ b r ɪ ˈ t æ n ɪ k /) was the third vessel of the White Star Line's Olympic class of steamships and the second White Star ship to bear the name Britannic.She was the fleet mate of both the RMS Olympic and the RMS Titanic and was intended to enter service as a transatlantic passenger liner.. Britannic was launched just before the start of the First World War. Wikipedia gained early contributors from Nupedia, Slashdot postings, and web search engine indexing. Language editions were also created, with a total of 161 by the end of 2004.

Britannica wikipedia

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Britannica wikipedia

Archived from the original on 29 January 2009.

Britannica wikipedia

Wikipedia matters. In a time of extreme poli Nov 5, 2014 Titles such as Britannica, World Book and Colliers used to be household names, but they are on the brink of extinction due to the gargantuan  Do Experts or Crowd-Based Models Produce More Bias? Evidence from Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia. Availability: In stock. $10.00.
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Slår du i Encyclopedia Britannica lär du inte hitta listor över ”Homer Simpsons jobb”, ”artificiella  House of Cards – miniserie televisiva britannica del 1990; House of Cards - Gli intrighi del potere – serie televisiva del 2013 Questa pagina è stata modificata  34–35.4. Se Encyclopedia Britannica, Pre-Columbian Writing. Inka-riket Se Steven LeBlanc: Wikipedia (1999): Chaco Culture National Historical Park.

På ytan kan vi se hur Britannica.com hottat  9 juni 2008 — Britannica har i snitt 2.92 felaktigheter per artikel och Wikipedia 3.86 fel per artikel.
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Posted on  E. Britannica-online, (elektronisk) Tillgänglig: , 2008. 21 dec.