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91 likes · 1 talking about this. SPEX SamplePrep, LLC. Spex Sampleprep 8000M-115 Mixer/Mill: Industrial & Scientific. SPEX™ SamplePrep Disposable XRF Spec-Cap™ Sample Cups. Aluminum cups aid in the production of pressed-powder sample discs for XRF. Looking for Grinding Balls, SS, 3/8" Size, PK100? Find it at®. With over 1.6M products and 24/7 customer service we have supplies and solutions  Shop a large selection of Mills products and learn more about SPEX™ SamplePrep 8000 Series Mixer/Mill™ Accessories Vial sets; Tungsten Carbide; 57.2 x  Spex SamplePrep.

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Phone/Fax Number. Contact supplier Contact supplier . Drop file here or browse Drop file here or SPEX SamplePrep offers crucibles made of 95% platinum and 5% gold, the standard non-wetting alloy for borate fusions. Zirconium crucibles are available for peroxide fusions. Pt/Au crucibles and molds are offered in regular and heavy-duty versions; heavy-duty platinumware lasts longer and is less likely to warp.

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115V/60Hz version. Large cryogenic impact grinder with self-contained liquid nitrogen tub and insulated case.

Spex sample prep

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Spex sample prep

SPEX SAMPLEPREP 14TH EDITION HANDBOOK PAGE 3 SPEX SAMPLEPREP 14TH EDITION HANDBOOK PAGE PB SPEX SamplePrep, LLC has been providing superior sample preparation equipment and supplies since 1954. Our mission is to provide quality products backed by exceptional service and expertise. Our equipment is used to prepare samples for a wide range of analytical SPEX SamplePrep 3635-115 XPress Programmable Laboratory Press Test. Watch later.

Spex sample prep

The Geno/Grinder® is a high-throughput homog SPEX SamplePrep is the leader in providing superior laboratory equipment, meeting the needs of scientists for over 50 years. Their mills, grinders, presses and fusion fluxers have become the industry standard for reliability and durability and are used in a variety of analytical techniques including XRF, GC-MS, ICP and PCR. Please sign in to your account to see your pricing, which may be different from the price displayed. Primary Category: ~Lab Supplies~Lab Diagnostics~Cryogenic Supplies. $631.65 / each. Qty. Please enter a numeric value. Add to Cart. Compare.
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Spex sample prep

Semi-automated sample preparation solution for solid dosage forms, gels and liquids. Consult SPEX Europe Ltd's SAMPLE PREPARATION FOR PHARMACEUTICAL & MEDICAL LABS brochure on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/2. SPEX SamplePrep, Metuchen, New Jersey. 91 likes · 1 talking about this.

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Thiết bị kiểm tra độ dày sơn. Model Coating drill

The … SPEX SAMPLEPREP 14TH EDITION HANDBOOK PAGE 3 SPEX SAMPLEPREP 14TH EDITION HANDBOOK PAGE PB SPEX SamplePrep, LLC has been providing superior sample preparation equipment and supplies since 1954.