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Find out more about the name Aurelian at BabyNames.com. Learn about origin, meaning and other facts about the girl’s name Aurelia and find alternate name ideas here. - BabyCenter Canada As those who have been helping me thru my name-pain on my 'frilly girls name' thread will know, my DH suddenly did a U-turn last week and said he was considering Aurelia (my fave girl's name) but I wasn't to nag and beg him mention it to him about it until he's had a chance to ponder it. Se hela listan på thenamemeaning.com Naming a baby is a tough job, especially with so many names that mean so many different things. Check out this guide to finding the meaning of Christian names or any names right online. "What's the meaning of my name?" is a question that many people ask throughout their lives.
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Meaning of the name - Aurelia Meaning: Golden. Numerological Analysis: Represents people with high verbal expression, understanding and intuition gifted, The surname Aurelia was first found in Padua (Italian: Padova, Latin: Patavium, Venetian: Padoa), on the Bacchiglione River, capital of the province of Padua. In Learn the fascinating origin of the Aurelia surname; its meaning & distribution. Unlock your family history in the largest database of last names.
The meaning of the name “Aurelia” is: “Golden”. Categories: Latin Names, Roman Names. Used in: English speaking countries.
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A female given name shortened from Aurelia. Paglia questions the sociologist Max Weber's definition of charisma, according to which it is a power that must company name from Cleantech Invest. The key Aurelia Turbines The company is creating an ultra-efficient microturbine for distributed pow er A more“fuzzy” grading is also wanted, meaning that the rules shall not be too strict.
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See the popularity of the girl's name Aurelia over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. The meaning of Aurelia is 'golden-haired'. It is derived from aureus which means 'golden' ; aurum 'gold'. An old form of the name is Aurelia (Latin). The name was bestowed by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius on his second daughter Annia Aurelia Galeria Lucilla (148-182). The given name has been adopted by English speakers since the 17th century.
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Aurelian is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for boys. Find out more about the name Aurelian at BabyNames.com.
Then read on. The name means “field of flowers” and was first given during the Middle Ages when the area was actually a meadow. Today the market is a lively place,
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