> Aker BP > AKERBP: Publication of 2018 reports
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The reports are attached, and can also be found on the company's website Aker BP is a company engaged in exploration, field development and production of oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf. The company operates five field centres: Alvheim, Ivar Aasen, Skarv, Ula and Valhall, and is a partner in the Johan Sverdrup licence. Measured in production, Aker BP is one of the largest independent oil companies in Europe. 2021-03-25 · TRONDHEIM, Norway, March 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Aker BP has today published the company's Annual Report, Sustainability Report and Annual Statement of Reserves for 2020. The reports are attached Aker BP. Aker BP is a company engaged in exploration, field development and production of oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf. The company operates five field centers: Alvheim, Ivar Aasen, Skarv, Ula and Valhall, and is a partner in the Johan Sverdrup licence. Det norske oljeselskap ASA announces the publication of the annual report for company activities in 2014.
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$0.91. Mar 19, 2020 9 · Aker BP Annual Report 2019 – Letter from the CEO. Energy Agency (IEA) Sustainable Development Scenario, oil and gas will continue to In depth view into DETNF (Aker BP) stock including the latest price, news, dividend history, earnings information and financials. Aker BP ASA er et fullverdig oljeselskap med en rekke aktiviteter innen leting, utbygging Aker BP Publications: 2017 Annual Report and Annual Statement of Feb 4, 2021 Today's rating action reflects recent improvements in production profile, cash flow generation, more prudent financial policy and stronger liquidity AKER BP ASA () : Stock quote, stock chart, quotes, analysis, advice, financials and news for share AKER BP ASA | Oslo Bors: AKRBP | Oslo Bors. AKER BP. Oslo Børs NO0010345853 - Stock. NOK 234.20.
We enable low-carbon oil and gas production and develop renewable solutions to meet future energy needs. 2 · Aker BP Quarterly Report · Q1 2021 FIRST QUARTER 2021 SUMMARY Aker BP reported record high total income of USD 1,133 (834) million and operating profit of USD 591 (278) million for the first quarter 2021, positively impacted by higher oil and gas prices and increased volume sold. Net profit was USD 127 (129) million.
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B.P. är en förkortning av engelska before present, som betyder 'före nutid'. av A Appelgren Gougoulakis · 2018 — som Statoil och Aker BP, börjat anställa personal igen under 2018 (Statoil, 2018). reports/2017/statoil-annual-report-20f-2017.pdf (Hämtad 2018-04-12).
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PDF 22.82 MB. Annual report 2018 – interactive.
Annual report 2019 – print. PDF 22.82 MB. Annual report 2018 – interactive. PDF 6.05 MB. Annual report 2018 – print.
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The company is also a partner in the Johan Sverdrup field. Aker BP is headquartered at Fornebu, Norway, and is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker `AKRBP'. More about Aker BP at
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The Latest Interim Reports. Aker ASA Q4 2020 – Presentation. PDF 4.47 MB. Aker ASA Q4 2020 – Interim report. PDF 0.59 MB. Aker ASA Q4 2020 - Webcast.
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| Switch to live prices. | Turn off streaming prices. Add to Aker BP ASA: Publication of 2019 reports Read the reports here: Annual Report 2019 (https: Annual Statement of Reserves 2019 Aker BP releases 2020 reports Thu, Mar 25, 2021 08:00 CET. Aker BP has today published the company's Annual Report, Sustainability Report and Annual Statement of Reserves for 2020. Aker BP ASA today, 18 March 2019, made public the electronic version of the Annual Report, the Annual Statement of Reserves and the Sustainability Report for 2018. “2018 was a fantastic year. We are very pleased with the year’s financial results, which show a net profit of USD 476 million - an increase of 73 per cent.