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The mean number of DMFT is the sum of individual DMFT values divided by the sum of the population. The 12-year-old is one of the WHO indicator age groups. Oral hygiene index (OHI) The decay-missing-filled (DMF) index or decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index is one of the most common methods in oral epidemiology for assessing dental caries prevalence as well as dental treatment needs among populations and has been used for about 75 years. The Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index has been used since the 1930s 27 and today is the predominant population-based measure of caries experience worldwide.

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The index includes an individual's number of decayed, missing and filled permanent teeth to quantify his amount of dental decay. Research Article - Current Pediatric Research (2017) Volume 21, Issue 4. Study on DMFT related factors in some adolescents. Yu-Hee Lee 1 and Jung-Ok Choi 2 *. 1 Division of Public Health, Graduate School of Inje University, Busan, 47392, Korea.. 2 Department of Dental Hygiene, Youngsan University, Yangsan, 50510, Korea.

These data were provided by WHO Oral Health Country / Area Profile Programme (CAPP). The "CAPP" was established at the WHO Collaborating Centre for Education, Training and Research at the Faculty of Odontology, Malmö, Sweden, in 1995. Before that, extensive dmft 12-year-olds; dmft all ages; dmft primary teeth; percent having highest cpi score; 35-44 years; percent edentulous; annual oral cancer incidence rates per site per 100.000; sugar consumption; oral health manpower; number of specialists; education of dental manpower DENTAL CARIES INDICES The number of persons affected by dental caries The number of teeth that need treatment The number of surfaces involved The number of teeth that have been treated The number of teeth missing due to caries Other statistical data useful in organizing and evaluating dental health programme efforts.

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Dmft dental

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Dmft dental

In the intraoral clinical examination, the following data was also collected: CPI for six index teeth 15 classified as CPI 0=healthy; CPI 1=bleeding; CPI 2=calculus; CPI 3=pocket depth 3–5mm; and CPI 4=pocket depth>5mm. 2019-12-30 Banava et. al Clinical comparison of dental caries by DMFT . .

Dmft dental

kriterium DMFT och dess komponenter D (antal tänder med obehandlad manifest karies), M (antal frågeformuläret Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) (15).
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Dmft dental

It quantifies dental health status based on the number of carious, missing and filled teeth.

At the World Health Assembly in 1979, this declaration was unanimously allocated as … A standardized validated form was used for documentation of history, socio-economic status, personal details, external and extra oral examinations, (DMFT) which were according to WHO manifesto. FREQUENCY OF DENTAL CARIES AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL CHILDREN OF NORTHWEST PAKISTAN AND THEIR TEACHERS' ORAL HEALTH KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICES 2021-02-04 dental caries (DMFT) in populations at age 12 years of low-income countries is 1.9 compared with 3.3 DMFT for middle income countries and 2.1 DMFT for high-income countries.(dmft/DMFT is a count of the number of teeth in a person’s mouth that are decayed,filled or missing,widely used to indicate the prevalence of dental caries and the re-visit the DMFT indexwhich was established more than 75 years ago. The Decayed (D), Missing (M), Filled (F) teeth index has been used since 1938 [1] and is well established as the leading measure of caries in dental epidemiology.
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In the intraoral clinical examination, the following data was also collected: CPI for six index teeth 15 classified as CPI 0=healthy; CPI 1=bleeding; CPI 2=calculus; CPI 3=pocket depth 3–5mm; and CPI 4=pocket depth>5mm. 2019-12-30 Banava et. al Clinical comparison of dental caries by DMFT . . . 2012; Vol. 24, No. 2 148 teeth with incipient enamel caries and those with cavities restricted to enamel are also included (2).