User manual - GPBM Nordic



13 r9. Carbon monoxide level, ppm. Without an external carbon dioxide sensor (accessory), '- -' is. years, of the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by means of 13.

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5. Senso. r s igna. av R Schuster · 1995 — emissionsökning uppträder vid ca 200 - 500 ppm CO och vid ca 10 - 20 ppm THC. 13. 2.2.3. Bränsle.

Environmental tobacco smoke in dwellings, offices, vehicles and restaurants can raise the 8-hour average carbon monoxide concentration by up to 23–46 mg/m3 (20–40 ppm) (1).

Range 24-400 ppm Carbon Monoxide Gas Detector Tubes Box of

28 % CO2 + 35 % CO + N2 Se också avsnitt 8 och 13. 20 ppm. Långvarigt - systemiska effekter, inandningen. 20 ppm.

13 ppm carbon monoxide

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13 ppm carbon monoxide

These levels are well below the federal  21 Feb 2020 A carbon monoxide detector, or CO detector, is a seemingly simple appliance that could save your life at home or while traveling.

13 ppm carbon monoxide

Väggmontage 6, 7 OUT3 Gaslarm CO >35 ppm eller CO2 >1500 ppm. 8. Smoke alarm takes precedence when both smoke and carbon monoxide are audible and visual signals for carbon monoxide concentrations under 30 ppm. Page 13. Operating/Installation Instructions NOT IN THIS AREA 102 mm 4in. 13.
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13 ppm carbon monoxide


Smoke alarm takes precedence when both smoke and carbon monoxide are audible and visual signals for carbon monoxide concentrations under 30 ppm. Page 13. Operating/Installation Instructions NOT IN THIS AREA 102 mm 4in.
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15  measuringthe conteut of carllon dioxide, carbonmonoxide and ni tri c oxide.