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Please review the Help for Users for a list of the courts and types of cases available. The application will be unavailable for routine maintenance at the following times: Monday - Friday from 12:30AM to 2AM Saturday from 10PM to Sunday 12PM (Noon) The official web site for the Arkansas Supreme Court provides information about cases, oral arguments, opinions, orders, dockets, history and technology services that improve public access by supporting Arkansas’s courts and criminal justice agencies. Arkansas Court Resource Links Thank you for using our Arkansas Court Link Resource center. Below is a list of just a few local Arkansas courts. looks forward to serving your legal needs in all of Arkansas.
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A court action is initiated in criminal court by the filing of Circuit Court Div. V, 501-450-4925. Prosecuting Attorney, 501-450-4927. County Road Dept. 501-450-4930. Coroner, 501-450-9200. Extension Office, 501-329- All information provided by the courts and Administrative Office of the Courts ( AOC) it conflicts with Arkansas Supreme Court Administrative Order Number 19. We provide readers with the important facts and law for Arkansas appellate cases .
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Further, the information obtained through this Internet service is not for official use and is provided as a public service under the authority of Supreme Court Administrative Order Number 19. The Juror system is an electronic jury management system available to circuit courts in Arkansas. The system allows courts to manage juries from summons, jury service, and payment. The application is hosted by the Administrative Office of the Courts and is available to courts with Internet access.
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Neither the courts providing the information nor the AOC makes warranty of any kind with respect to the information available through this Internet service. Further, the information obtained through this Internet service is not for official use and is provided as a public service under the authority of Supreme Court Administrative Order Number 19. All circuits courts provide case statistical information through CourtConnect as required by Administrative Order 8. Most circuit courts offer additional information through their use of Contexte. Some district courts provide case information through CourtConnect.
Coroner, 501-450-9200. Extension Office, 501-329-
All information provided by the courts and Administrative Office of the Courts ( AOC) it conflicts with Arkansas Supreme Court Administrative Order Number 19.
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We provide readers with the important facts and law for Arkansas appellate cases . Our editors work for hours reviewing appellate opinions and drafting case District Court. Physical Address: 1003 Broadway Van Buren, AR 72956. Phone: 479-474-1671 Your complaint should include a clear and concise description of the facts upon which your complaint is based. A filing fee, usually between $30 and $65, must be Arkadelphia, AR 71923.