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Pumped liquid: clean, free of solids and abrasives, non-viscous, nonaggressive, non-crystallised and chemically neutral, with properties similar to water. Liquid temperature range: from -15 to 70 °C. 1-2 Nkv - instruction. Description. DAB has the solution to provide one of the worlds scarcest resources namely water, wherever you are. More Nkv 10-15-20-32-45-65-95 - instruction. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS KV 3-6-10.
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Email: +44 (0) 1924 284321. Search. Title: DAB_EN 12845 BOOSTER SETS WITH NKV PUMPS, Author: nic kel, Name: DAB_EN 12845 BOOSTER SETS WITH NKV PUMPS, Length: 16 pages, Page: 11, Published: 2012-09-04 Issuu company logo Issuu NKV 10/7 NKV 10/8 60144702 60144703 NKV 10/9 NKV 60144704 60144705 NKV 10/12 NKV 10/14 60144706 60144707 NKV NKV 10/18 60144708 60144709 NKV * 60144710 DAB PUMPS OCTaBnqeT 3a c060ü npaB0 np0h3B0AVITb 6B npeABapweJ1bHoro YBeA0MneHnq 2870-2890 2870-2890 0,89 2880-2900 2880-2900 0,89 0,89 5,5 2900-2920 2900-2920 7,5 10 14,8 2900-2920 2890-2910 0,89 DAB PUMPS reserves the right to make modifications without notice PRESSURE UNITS MODEL CODE 3NKV 10/5 T 60140856 3NKV 10/6 T 60140857 3NKV 10/7 T 60140858 3NKV 10/8 T 60140859 3NKV 10/9 T 60140860 3NKV 10/10 T 60140861 3NKV 10/12 T 60140862 3NKV 10/14 T 60140863 3NKV 15/3 T 60140864 3NKV 15/4 T 60140865 3NKV 15/5 T 60140866 3NKV 15/6 T 60140867 3NKV 15/7 T … Download free Revit families and CAD files for the NKV 32/10T from DAB Pumps on MEPcontent. Title: DAB_EN 12845 BOOSTER SETS WITH NKV PUMPS, Author: nic kel, Name: DAB_EN 12845 BOOSTER SETS WITH NKV PUMPS, Length: 16 pages, Page: 8, Published: 2012-09-04 Issuu company logo Issuu The Leyland DAB series 1 were built from 1964-1967, most of them for Copenhagen Tramways. #995 were preserved by HT in 1976, and since 2003 owned by the Dani ARE YOU AN END USER? Join our Newsletter to be first to hear about Dab News About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Buy DAB by NKV 15/6 T-IE3 from our Pumps range - @ PUMPS GEARBOXES LTD. X. This site uses cookies to provide and improve your shopping experience.
- Via M.Polo, 14 – Mestrino (PD) – Italy, Nous, DAB Pumps S.p.A. - Via serie. Nel caso di pompe con giunto i golfari previsti 2-Filtro a maglie strette _nkv = q; var p = function(A, D, B, y, z) { if (!z) { z = A } var x = _bwn.create(); var C = new Float32Array(4); C[0] = (A[0] - y[0]) * 2 / y[2] - 1; _dab = aL & 15; this.
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De nieuwe NKV pompen van DAB zijn AISI 304 roestvast staal multi-waaier verticale centrifugaalpompen met koppeling; Ze zijn ontworpen voor drukbehoud in civiele en commerciële omgevingen en kunnen ook worden gebruikt in de landbouw, in irrigatiesystemen. NKV - 45/2-S T - Pompe multicellulaire verticale: 043225: 4 880,00 DAB PUMPS reserves the right to make modifications without notice. FIRE-FIGHTING PUMP SETS PERFORMANCE RANGE The performance curves are based on kinematic viscosity values = 1 mm2/s and density equal to 1000 kg/m3. Curve tolerance according to ISO 9906. GRAPHIC SELECTION TABLE 1/2 NKV UNI EN 12845 FIRE-FIGHTING SETS WITH VERTICAL PUMPS Diese Druckerhöhungsanlagen bestehen aus 1-2-3-4 mehrstufigen, vertikalen Kreiselpumpen der neuesten Serie vom Typ NKV und sind geeignet für die sanitäre Anwendung als auch für Brandschutz. Anwendungen in Wohnstätten, Apartmenthäusern, Hochhäusern sowie in der Industrie. Fire-fighting pump sets in accordance with UNI EN 12845 European Standard.
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Products: 1, 2, 3, 4 NKVE 10, 15, 20, 32, 45 MCE-P, Drenag 1400, Drenag 1800, 2 K, 1 NKV, 2 NKV. Read more. Description. Fire-fighting pump sets in accordance with UNI EN 12845 European Standard.
Motor protection is the responsibility of the user Manufactured according to CEI 2-3.
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