pain in the arse - Swedish translation – Linguee


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Wiktionary: rumpa → butt, bum, rump; rumpa → seat, buttocks  I'd recognize that arse anywhere, you piece of sh --! Context sentences for "​arse" in Swedish Search for more words in the German-English dictionary. It was the best thing to wipe your arse with. OpenSubtitles2018.v3. Okej, få ut arslet härifrån. Get your ass out of here. OpenSubtitles2018.v3.

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arses (noun plural). Definitions and Meaning of arse in English. arse. noun. vulgar slang for anus.

kiss arse phrase. What does kiss arse expression mean?

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arse (plural arses) (current in South Africa, Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, dated in New England, now vulgar) The buttocks or more specifically, the anus. quotations ▼ (chiefly Britain, derogatory slang) A stupid, mean or despicable person. quotations ▼ arse (n.) "buttocks, hinder part of an animal," Old English ærs "tail, rump," from Proto-Germanic *arsoz (source also of Old Saxon, Old High German, Old Norse ars, Middle Dutch ærs, German Arsch "buttock"), from PIE root *ors- "buttock, backside" (source also of Greek orros "tail, rump, base of the spine," Hittite arrash, Armenian or "buttock," Old Irish err "tail"). Ass (noun) A quadruped of the genus Equus (Equus asinus), smaller than the horse, and having a peculiarly harsh bray and long ears.

Arse meaning

Meaning of arse arses in English-Swedish dictionary - World

Arse meaning

Synd att han har​  10 okt. 2017 — Definition of "ända" Can mean different things. 1 Butt 2 Ends (a rope has two ends = repet har två ändar) 3 'All the way' (All the way to the moon  30 aug. 2007 — (as told by arbetkamrats) it means the latest style famous in swedish teenagers to wear the jeans so low on buttocks, showing arse crack. 8) "A pain in the butt (ass)" [another expression?] - English Only arse and ass - English Only forum ass - meaning in American English slang - English Only forum Hålla låda (Hold a box) - Means to basically say a monologue, no input from the in the heart there's room for the arse) - Means that with a good attitude difficult  Latest.

Arse meaning

arsehole; Definitions include: the anus.
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Arse meaning

The buttocks; ass. noun. 0. 0.

Arse (verb) not want to do something because one has no interest in or enthusiasm for it. arse about/around definition: 1. to act in a silly way or waste time: 2.
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licked , lick·ing , licks v. tr. 1. To pass the tongue over or along: lick a stamp. Video shows what fat-ass means.