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500 Startups was the most active global venture capital firm of 2019 and the second most active global venture capital firm in 2020. We’re on a mission to uplift people and economies around the world through entrepreneurship. Start-ups - definition of start-ups by The Free Dictionary. Define start-ups. start-ups synonyms, start-ups pronunciation, start-ups translation, English dictionary definition of start-ups. or start-up n.

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We connect them with our global network of investors, corporate buyers and partners. Together we are the one stop shop for entrepreneurship in technology. 🇧🇪 Congrats to all the winners @TheBigSqueezeBe! 10 promising Sweden-based startups to watch in 2021; 10 Netflix documentaries every entrepreneur should see “The only formula of success is Business = Life”:… Meet the 15 finalists of the pitch competition at this… 10 rocketing European startups boosting the home delivery sector Startups play an important role in creating innovation and growth - especially in the field of AI. This is why AI Sweden, Ignite Sweden and RISE have joined forces to select the best AI startups that can help accelerate and contribute to the application of AI in Sweden and Europe.

2018-04-25 Unika i branschen. Start-Up är ett av Sveriges större privatägda konsultbolag inom energibranschen.

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28536. Hoppa till Svenska startups på börsen - Diversifierad Högriskaktier — Inför 2021 fattade I dagens  Initiativ för att minska arbetslösheten, öka optimismen och coacha start-ups är i linje med våra värderingar. Om vi som samhällsutvecklare kan  After a successful funding round, Printler CEO offers great advice to startups looking to attract investors · Pressmeddelanden • Apr 12, 2017 10:39 CEST. Simplify the way to do open innovation.

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Whether you want to book an event, a co-working space, a tenant space, or anything else, the tech startup ‘ Smarten Spaces ’ is the solution for you. The company understands the vital role smart technologies play in our routine activities. Walking to an event space, just to know about its price is a mess. Enkelt för startups att komma igång med blockkedjan. Krypteringsmetoden bakom Bitcoin får allt fler startups att se möjligheter med den säkra blockkedjeteknologin.
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Set up a European Company (Societas Europaea) Protect your business ideas. 2020-12-23 · Startups are illiquid investments. If you bought a stock today and changed your mind tomorrow about your choice, you could easily sell it.
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Alla pengar du tjänar i ditt RS-företag är dina. Åtta kvinnor att hylla den 8 mars. Trots en underrepresentation i branschen finns det massvis med fantastiska kvinnor inom tech som gör allt för att bana väg för  Philips Ventures recognizes the major challenges that start-ups encounter when trying to make the world a healthier place.