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Erasmus Erasmusansvarigmöte Välkomna till - SlidePlayer

Denne utvekslinga skal på same måte som studieutveksling inngå i eit gradsstudium, anten som erstatning for obligatoriske emne eller som frie studiepoeng. Mobility periods must last at least two days and a maximum of two months. A minimum duration of five days is recommended. Staff from all areas of the university are eligible for training mobility funding, for example: Why Erasmus+ mobility? The program gives your institution the opportunity to work with established strategic goals and development plans at an international level. By providing faculty, staff and students the opportunity to develop their skills, share experiences with colleagues in other countries, and to study and train abroad the program can help Exchange agreements for teaching staff (STA) and administrative staff (STT) Uppsala University 2011-09-28 Erasmus STA .

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Erasmus KA107 Partner Countries Incoming Teaching Staff Due to Covid-19 we require KA107 Incoming Staff to prove coverage of Travel Assistance and Accident Insurance (minimum 100.000€) including medical, surgical and hospitalization expenses and civil liability in Spain. ERASMUS Partnerländer: Dozentenmobilität STA und Personalmobilität STT; ERASMUS Programmländer: STA Dozentenmobilität. Office of International Affairs. Phone number: +49 9131 85-65166; Email: STT Draft Mobility Agreement: 23.10.2018 382 KB (PDF) STT Draft Confirmation of Stay: 23.10.2018 391 KB (PDF) STA Draft Mobility Agreement: 23.10.2018 386 KB (PDF) SMS Draft Learning Agreement: 23.10.2018 868 KB (PDF) SMS Draft Grant Agreement: 23.10.2018 Program Erasmus | Państwowa Wyższa STA/STT 2014-2020; Organizacja wyjazdów nauczycieli akademickich w celu prowadzenia zajęć (STA) KROK PO KROKU. KROK 1 Die Erasmus-Mobilitäten können in 33 Programmländern durchgeführt werden.

ERASMUS + STT/STA INCOMING APPLICATION FORM surname name date of birth nationality e-mail i.d. personal data home institution about mobility name: date: language competence A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 additional information Av. de Gràcia, 50, 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Spain) T (+34) 93 674 13 10 E-Mail: mobility PROGRAMA STT (PERSONAL DOCENTE Y NO DOCENTE). PROGRAMA STA. Ofertamos becas de formación para profesorado con los mismos destinos que las becas Erasmus Estudios.


STA (Lehrendenmobilität), STT (Personalmobilität) Erasmus+ Über die JLU. Website durchsuchen. nur im aktuellen Bereich.

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ERASMUS + STT/STA INCOMING APPLICATION FORM surname name date of birth nationality e-mail i.d.
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283 Albany Av. 1 A. Raffer & 415 Grand St. Erasmus Radio Co.. 1026 NoBtrand Av. Larabee Sttire. Maspeth, Maspeth  av T Hagström · 1952 — qvist (StT 22 juli), Gunnar Mårtenson. (Hsbl. 13 aug.).

Tutti le attività di docenza e di formazione dovranno concludersi inderogabilmente entro e non oltre il 30.09.2019 (data di conclusione della mobilità Erasmus). ERASMUS+ (STA) Lehraufenthalte und kombinierte Aufenthalte (Lehre und Fortbildung STA und STT) Für wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen unserer ERASMUS+ Partneruniversitäten 1, welche einen Lehraufenthalt (mindestens acht Stunden Lehrtätigkeit) oder Nell'ambito del progetto Erasmus + International Credit Mobility è aperto il bando per l'assegnazione di mobilità STA/STT presso università partner di Paesi extra-Europei.
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Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignment (STA) Erasmus+ supports guest lectureships at European partner institutions. The aim of Staff Mobility is amongst other things to provide teaching content to students at partner institutions who are not able or do not wish to go abroad, and thereby supplement the teaching offered by the partner institution. As a further supporting measure of the internationalization strategies of higher education institutions, the Erasmus+ STT funding line provides support for professional development and continuing education measures for university staff (teaching practice and administration) at European universities and at foreign institutions/companies within the Erasmus area. Erasmus+ staff mobility for training (STT) Erasmus+ enables higher education staff in programme countries to take part in training and further education measures which benefit internationalisation. Incoming ERASMUS staff Teaching Mobility (STA) This activity offers the possibility, for a teacher from a partner university in Europe, to stay at our university for teaching proposes, teaching a Visiting lecturer (STA) Mobility of Staff (STT) Intensive Programs (IP) Preparatory Visits (PV) Students from non-EU countries can participate in the ERASMUS program, provided they are enrolled at a university in a EU member state and regularly attend all their studies there. Teachers and other employees must be employed at a university in a EU member state to participate in the program.