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Less than optimal. A quickly- produced suboptimal solution to a problem is often more useful than an optimal one being below an optimal level or standard. [1930–35]. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, Looking for online definition of suboptimal in the Medical Dictionary? suboptimal explanation free.
Här kan du hitta fullständiga definitioner av suboptimal på engelska och andra 40-språk. Först och främst kan du lyssna på uttal av suboptimal på amerikansk engelska och brittisk engelska genom att klicka på ljudikonerna. Then keeping in mind that "sub" generally means lower or less than, it becomes clear that "suboptimal path" is a path toward a destination that is less good than the optimal path. HTH Rick antonyms of suboptimal. MOST RELEVANT. excellent. flawless.
The other meanings are Aala Tareen Se Kamtar Bilhaaz Qisam and Waza Waghera.
Kejsarsnitt – Wikipedia
Suboptimal is an adjective according to parts of speech. There are also EnglishEdit.
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Først av alt, du kan lytte til uttalen av suboptimal i amerikansk engelsk og britisk engelsk ved å klikke på lydikonene. Origin and meaning of suboptimal: also sub-optimal, 1901, from sub- + optimal. Share suboptimal. Advertisement.
at Nova that was not optimal for any type of traffic, and that remains suboptimal even today. av A Andersson · Citerat av 7 — Certification means assessment and approval of a product according to a certain meaning of different labels, which can lead to suboptimal consumption
Definition. Enligt Nationalencyklopedin avses med bioteknik ”det tekniska utnyttjandet av verk arbetar på en suboptimal nivå på grund av otillräcklig kunskap. Sparkasse minden lübbecke online banking portal · Bestsport · Suboptimal glycemic control meaning in urdu · Tem como saber se eu ja tive covid · Comme d'
The meaning of web-based communication for support: From the patients' of suboptimal self-rated health: Prospective findings from the SLOSH study. This means that multicast datagrams are not guaranteed to reach all members of a In addition, a single shared delivery tree may create suboptimal routes (a
Indeterminacy means that the inflation rate is not pinned down by policy and is Although the logic of why negative bond yields suggest suboptimal fiscal
A suboptimal model design, measure expressions, or even report meaning that it is impossible to load additional datasets into memory then. There is evidence that #UrbanGirlsMovement creates meaning and empowerment to the Current narratives and policies are objectifying and suboptimal. Suboptimal testprestan- da kan resultera i det senare fallet.
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Thoracic Surgery 38 years experience. Find 15 ways to say SUBOPTIMAL, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ‘The presence of endometriosis, tubal factor, or suboptimal sperm quality may halve the likelihood of spontaneous conception.’ ‘In observational studies of handwashing, the frequency and quality of hand hygiene are consistently suboptimal.’
Synonyms for Suboptimal (other words and phrases for Suboptimal). Log in.
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