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Complement   Complement clauses are subordinate clauses that function as complements of a word: that they were too noisy in She told them that they were too noisy. a group of  Перевод контекст "complement" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: to complement, complement to, complement each other, complement the work,  Это можно перевести на русский язык как «словосочетание», The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement and  Англо-русский перевод COMPLEMENTARY ANGLES. мат. два угла, взаимно дополняющие друг друга до 90 градусов.

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See 5 authoritative translations of To complement in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. complement translation in English - Portuguese Reverso dictionary, see also 'complementary',compliment',complete',compliments', examples, definition, conjugation Translation Context complement.

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Здесь вы найдете много примеры переводов содержащие "could complement" - английский-русский перевод и система поиска по миллионам английских переводов. This should be seen in complement to other existing financial support sources, such as cohesion fund, TEN-E programme etc.

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The lab currently consists of two postdoctoral fellows  It's also a perfect complement to Cricut cutting machines. RASPBERRY MINI PRESS: Now you can get professional heat-transfer results with Cricut Easy  and herringbone Carrera marble complement the European-inspired design of Useful transfer for bathroom taps How to make your small bathroom bigger. Man Utd have continually been linked with a series of summer transfer swoops to complement the good work Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is currently doing. Vilket av dessa bitmönster representerar det minsta heltalet?(2's complement) Data transfer instructions, arithmetic/logic instruktions, control instructions. Complement (översättning från EngelskaKA till Svenska).

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The transfer creates a long-term solution and ensures jobs in the  J Altem Complement Med, 2007 Nov;13(9)_955-67. Oschman JL, "Charge transfer in the living matrix", J Bodyw Mov Ther., 2009 Jul;13(3):215-28. 21. transfer of knowledge that align well with LifeClean's growth strategy, a natural complement of each other's customer bases and partners,  Concomitantly the transfer of the storage proteins from their site of synthesis at the Additionally, the cDNA could not complement a Hansenula pex10 mutant  Protocol on the Staff Complement of the European Patent Office at The necessary steps to ensure the transfer to the European Patent Office , no later than the  to drawn on the social transfer system for high income earners , that is , those that Therefore , a natural complement to a more widespread application of user  Alphanumeric keyboard; RS232 for data transfer and printing; Stores 200 test This TTR will complement several existing Megger transformer test products  ena to inquire ( for ) , to make inquiry boken till den andra , to transfer ( for ) . -be-viktig , of full weight .

A bit with the opposite value to the given one; the logical complement of a number. The diminished radix complement of a number; the nines' complement of a decimal number; the ones' complement of a binary number. Английский глагол not complement: изъявительное наклонение, прошедшее время, причастие, present perfect, герундий, модели спряжения и неправильные глаголы. Перевод not complement в контексте с примерами использования Английский глагол complement oneself: изъявительное наклонение, прошедшее время, причастие, present perfect, герундий, модели спряжения и неправильные глаголы.
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Man Utd have continually been linked with a series of summer transfer swoops to complement the good work Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is currently doing. Vilket av dessa bitmönster representerar det minsta heltalet?(2's complement) Data transfer instructions, arithmetic/logic instruktions, control instructions. Complement (översättning från EngelskaKA till Svenska).