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pet och Viggen Viggo framstod som ”a nature documentary of great märksammade filmen Kon-Tiki som Artfilm producerade 1951.32. Samarbetet med Thor Indisk by 1951 / 25 min Beyond the visual: Sound and image in ethnographic and documentary film (Höjbjerg: Intervention Press, 2010); Sucksdorff, Arne, Viracocha, and "Kon-Tiki" is an old name for this god. Heyerdahl filmed the expedition, which later became the Academy Award winning documentary in 1951, Viracocha, and "Kon-Tiki" is an old name for this god. Heyerdahl filmed the expedition, which later became the Academy Award winning documentary in 1951, Heyerdahl published extensively, lectured widely, made documentary films – the 1951 Oscar-winning Kon-Tiki What is said about the KonTiki expedition?
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People who watch this documentary also look for: The Real Eve (2002) 9,825 views. Pagans: Sacred Landscape Kon-Tiki. 1951, Documentary, 1h 13m. 0 Reviews 500+ Ratings You might also like. The Hellstrom Chronicle From Mao To Mozart: Isaac Stern in China Janis The Boat Is Full Dreamchild.
0 A documentary which is actually a relic from my docuwiki/emule days. also, catch the award-winning 1951's kon-tiki docu for some awesome type. (Best Documentary, Feature; delat med Thor Heyerdahl) 1951 vann dessutom norsk-svenska filmen Kon-Tiki en Oscar för Bästa dokumentär.
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They even had a little rowboat so that could film the Kon-Tiki from afar, although they learned to tether the rowboat lest it be… Kon-Tiki is a documentary film from 1951. It is Thor Heyerdahl's account of his voyage in the summer of 1947 with five companions, in a raft, over 6,980 km (4,340 miles) of open ocean, from mainland South America to landfall in the islands of Polynesia. Kon-Tiki.
National Board of Review, USA 1951 Winner NBR Award: Top Foreign Films: See also. Best of 1951 a list of 31 titles created 22 Jul 2018 Good Ones a list of 44 titles Kon-Tiki "Kon-Tiki" was the name of a wooden raft used by six Scandinavian scientists, led by Thor Heyerdahl, to make a 101-day journey from South America to 2020-11-29 Thor Heyerdahl is one of history’s most famous explorers. In 1947 he crossed the Pacific Ocean on the balsawood raft Kon-Tiki.
Kon-Tiki - A film by Thor Heyerdahl (B&W) 1951 Academy-Award for Best Documentary. This classic 16mm documentary captures both a sea adventure and a scientific test of ancient sailing techniques.
Heyerdahl filmed the expedition, which later became the Academy Award winning documentary in 1951, and he wrote a book about the expedition that was translated into 70 languages and sold more than 50 millions copies around the world. Kon-Tiki estis la nomo donita al la floso de la norvega esploristo kaj verkisto Thor Heyerdahl dum sia ekspedicio en 1947.La nomo devenas de la sundio de la Inkaoj, Viracocha, pri kiu oni diras ke "Kon-Tiki" estis lia malnova nomo. Kon-Tiki estas ankaŭ la nomo de populara libro kiun Heyerdahl verkis pri sia aventuro.. Heyerdahl kredis ke popolo el Sud-Ameriko povus esti setlita en Polinezio There is a daily showing of the Kon-Tiki documentary movie in the museum’s cinema.
Best Documentary in 1951 and established Heyerdahl as an international icon who remains an
6 Sep 2012 But he says he's never laboured at a film as long as Kon-Tiki, which is getting and a documentary film of the expedition won a Oscar in 1951. 18 Apr 2020 The reconstructed Kon-Tiki raft as it appears in the 2012 blockbuster Academy Award-winning documentary (1951), all of the same name. Heyerdahl filmed the expedition—which in 1951 became an Academy Award winning documentary—and he also wrote a book about the expedition that was
Kon-Tiki is a Norwegian-Swedish documentary film about the Kon-Tiki expedition led by Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl in 1947, released in
Synopsis: A documentary about the Kon-Tiki expedition of the norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahls.
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Kon-Tiki 1950 – Wikipedia
He was a board member of the Kon-Tiki stands out as the most internationally successful and popular documentary ever produced by the Scandinavian film industry.